
Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

It was a momentous occasion in the growth of Uncle Jack today as we secured a 12 month lease on an exciting new office space – the new Uncle Jack HQ.

An upgrade in size, opportunity for expansion, greater facilities, better exposure & presentation are some of the benefits of the upgrade. With any upgrade comes larger costs, in our case, double.

It’s an exciting time but also a very nerve-racking one. Although the company has seen great growth in a short space, it was very difficult to go so far outside of my comfort zone.

Last year I attended a conference for entrepreneurs and I received one of the best pieces of advice I have had so far. The presentation was by Petar Lackovic and he said “get comfortable with being uncomfortable“. At this time I didn’t really understand what he meant by that, but I knew it was important so I noted it down.

Throughout the year as our company grew, I found myself constantly going back to that quote in my notebook and being able to relate to it and understand what he meant. It’s about taking yourself outside of your comfort zone so that you can continue to grow as a person and as a business. It’s about not being satisfied with what you have and to keep pushing forward and seeing what else is out there.

Today was one of the days where I looked back on that quote. Securing a big office whilst being on the cusp of hiring our first employee, my comfort zones are being pushed beyond where they have been previously.

I’m uncomfortable. I’m uncomfortable with rapid change, big invoices and uncertainty.
But at the same time, I’m strangely comfortable with being uncomfortable.

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